A single ship has blocked a canal that handles 30% of the globe’s shipping traffic for days (and at the time of writing, is still stuck there). Does this have larger implications for the way the world currently approaches manufacturing and globalization?
View More The Implications of the Suez Canal CrisisCategory: Semester
An Examination of Uber’s Responsibility to Their Drivers
A recent ruling from a court in Britain has caused Uber to reclassify its drivers, allowing them increased benefits such as a minimum wage – is this something that can or should occur in other countries?
View More An Examination of Uber’s Responsibility to Their DriversWhen Science Fails Minorities: Complications with the COVID-19 Vaccine
Some minorities have understandable fears about the COVID-19 vaccine—how can those fears be assuaged, and whose responsibility is it to do so?
View More When Science Fails Minorities: Complications with the COVID-19 VaccineFuzzy Ownership of NFTs
The rapid expansion of the market for NFTs, a popular new kind of cryptocurrency, raises questions about the intricacies of digital ownership.
View More Fuzzy Ownership of NFTsImplications of Interplanetary Translocation
The recent successful landing of NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars gives us cause to consider the extent to which we are ethically obligated to prevent the “contamination” of other planets with earthly life.
View More Implications of Interplanetary TranslocationThe Inequality of Virtual Reality
Virtual reality seems like a great escape, especially after nearly a year of lockdown, but it’s rife with inequities; do technology companies have a responsibility to combat these inequities before VR becomes a larger part of our daily lives?
View More The Inequality of Virtual RealityFacebook’s Role in Mitigating Vaccine Misinformation
Facebook is cracking down on the spread of misinformation about vaccines – is this a violation of free speech or a valid effort to protect the public?
View More Facebook’s Role in Mitigating Vaccine MisinformationLearning to Trust Black Box Artificial Intelligence
Rolls-Royce’s “AI 2.0” has a massive series of checks to ensure its integrity; should this be the standard for other “explainable” AIs?
View More Learning to Trust Black Box Artificial IntelligenceHow Apps are Influencing Reddit’s War with Wall Street
2/1/2021 While 2020 was undoubtedly a strange year for the stock market, with industries swinging unprecedentedly up and down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, January…
View More How Apps are Influencing Reddit’s War with Wall StreetThe Ethics of Self-Driving Cars
Self-driving cars process huge amounts of sensory information in a very short amount of time. The processing speed of this information allows self-driving cars to make an informed decision on how to act in the case of an accident. In scenarios where casualties are unavoidable, this produces an ethical dilemma in determining who should survive, raising questions about how the value of a life should be calculated. Ultimately, because all lives are equal and no individual should have power over deciding the fate of the lives of others, self-driving cars are unethical.
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