iPad Kids: A Generation in Danger 

People in Silicon Valley tend to be very strict about their children’s screen time because they have insider knowledge of just how addictive and harmful the algorithms they create are. Fed up with these algorithms, 33 general attorneys from 42 different states have come together to sue Meta for endangering children. Excessive screen use perpetuated by such algorithms has serious implications for the children who fall victim to them.

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Pitfalls of Predictive Policing: An Ethical Analysis

Predictive policing is a police tactic that uses computer algorithms to predict where crime is likely to occur. This tactic, which has been used in cities like Los Angeles, allows the police to deploy more officers to “high-risk locations.” However, predictive policing violates the ethics of consequentialism and the ethical frameworks of justice and fairness by disproportionately targeting low-income neighborhoods and high-minority areas with increased police activity. Although boosting police patrols can deter crime in some cases, they also make people feel wary and frightened. Predictive policing is an unethical police tactic and should be further regulated or used in other manners. Crime should not be prevented by police-generated fear.

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Should You Boycott Facebook?

12/3/2018 Profiled article S. Vaidhyanathan, “Opinion | Don’t Delete Facebook. Do Something About It.”, Nytimes.com, [online] 2018. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/24/opinion/sunday/delete-facebook-does-not-fix-problem.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion-technology&action=click&contentCollection=technology®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=76&pgtype=sectionfront. About the article author Siva Vaidhyanathan is a…

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