The Legacy of NASA’s Ingenuity

After three successful years, the Mars helicopter Ingenuity has just taken its last flight. During a landing, a brief loss of communication with the chopper occurred, only for the vehicle to resume communications the next day with a damaged rotor blade. Being the first helicopter to operate on another planet, Ingenuity is a trailblazer in more ways than one. However, budgetary constraints leave the future of additional Marscopter missions up in the air.

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Should We Hit the Brakes on Autonomous Vehicles?

Driverless vehicles have become commonplace in several major cities in the United States. Though the technology has come a long way, incidents involving autonomous vehicles are not uncommon. As many self-driving car companies prepare to expand, residents and workers in test cities are feeling frustrated about being forced to share the road with this technology.

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Will Threads Unravel its Social Media Rival?

Over the last several months, many Twitter users have found themselves looking for a new space in which they could engage with others. Earlier this month, Meta launched a brand new app, Threads, that might deliver what users have been seeking. With staggering new sign-up numbers early into its launch, the new app appears to be, at a minimum, a worthy competitor to Twitter. Can both platforms competitively coexist or can only one reign supreme?

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Climate Change is Driving Canadian Wildfires and Smoky New York City Skies

When wildfires raging in Canada created dangerous air quality in the Northeastern United States, many conversations centered around the eerie smoke-filled haze lingering in cities like New York and Philadelphia. Although air quality is important to discuss, so, too, is the driving force behind the fires. With Canada on track for having its worst wildfire season in history, it is critical that the connection between wildfires and climate change remains clear.

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The Implications of a Social Media Ban in Montana 

Montana made headlines on Wednesday for being the first state in the nation to ban the social media app, TikTok. U.S. officials claim the application is a national security concern, while critics call the ban a violation of the First Amendment. Challenges to the new law may take place before it goes into effect in January, but its ability to gather enough support to pass could point to a new precedent being set.

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Historic Bank Collapse May Have a Lasting Effect on the Tech Industry

In just two days, the 16th largest bank in the United States collapsed. Following the bank’s failure, many tech startup CEOs and financial analysts have more questions than answers. As Washington disagrees over what caused the collapse, several technology startups are left wondering what place, if any, their companies have in the technology landscape of the future.

View More Historic Bank Collapse May Have a Lasting Effect on the Tech Industry

Solar Geoengineering Research Moves Forward Despite Pushback

Solar geoengineering research aims to understand the plausibility and possible effects of artificially cooling the Earth. Scientists around the world have vastly different opinions about continuing the research, many stating that it should be banned altogether. As the U.S. heads into the next phase of studying solar geoengineering, concerns loom regarding its possible consequences.

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Can Lab-Grown Meat Help Save the Planet?

As the global population and demands for meat continue to grow, so, too, does the meat industry’s contribution to climate change. Lab-grown meats are not far away from grocery store shelves, and they have the capability to reduce the impact of the meat industry on our planet. First, however, they will need to win over consumers.

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The Political Power of Gen-Z and Social Media

Despite midterms historically having mediocre turnouts, the number of votes cast by young voters in the 2022 midterm elections was the second highest in 30 years. As technology becomes more deeply woven throughout our culture, politicians are discovering that social media provides a genuine way to connect with new voters.

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