Cryptocurrency lying on white-yellow background

Balancing the Ledger: A Critical Examination of Cryptocurrency Ethics

Despite a significant drop in interest surrounding cryptocurrency technology recently, techno futurists continue to center their claims and justifications around a promised future of decentralized control, security, and transparency. This paper examines the ethical implications of the technology in the context of such promises. It challenges the optimistic narrative by discussing the often-ignored consequences that cryptocurrencies impose on various parts of society, particularly those who are already marginalized. The exploration delves into issues such as the digital divide, the inherent volatility and unpredictability of cryptocurrencies, and their ecological footprint, disputing claims that the benefits outweigh the harms.

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Image of a satellite in space

Eyes in the Sky: Ethical Considerations of Commercial Satellite Surveillance

Satellite data is an indispensable resource that now constitutes a large portion of the commercial world in the United States. However, as satellite technology improves, the collection and distribution of high-quality data poses a threat to national security and personal privacy. Further, the nature of international space legislation leaves the U.S. vulnerable to collect and distribute threatening data. This calls the ethics of satellite surveillance into question. Engineers, the last barrier between companies and increasingly detailed data, must step up and consider the ethics of further developing satellite capabilities.

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