Girl blended into a background full of code

Ethics of Data Sharing and Digital Privacy 

In today’s connected world, data has become an integral part of driving innovation, shaping the way people interact with the digital world. However, concerns surrounding data privacy have also emerged as a crucial challenge faced in the digital age. Data engineers, corporations, and governmental organizations need to take responsibility for safeguarding data and protecting user privacy, especially as the exchange of personal information becomes more prevalent. It is important to understand the components of data ethics and the current legal and ethical frameworks for data sharing, as well as case studies, such as the 2023 MGM Casino Cyberattack, to find potential resolutions for this issue.

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Image of rocket launching

Lost in Space: The Ethics of the Private Space Race

Space exploration has long been an important mission for humanity, one that has seen immense progress in recent years due, in part, to the growth of the private space industry. Private corporations have made significant progress in space travel and technology and have laid the groundwork for a “space-for-space” economy: a new economic paradigm detached from existing markets that serves life in space rather than focusing efforts on improving life on Earth. The role of private enterprises calls into question the ethical considerations of granting corporations access to the vast resources of space and implores us as engineers to define ethical standards to balance technological innovation with societal progress.

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Image of a satellite in space

Eyes in the Sky: Ethical Considerations of Commercial Satellite Surveillance

Satellite data is an indispensable resource that now constitutes a large portion of the commercial world in the United States. However, as satellite technology improves, the collection and distribution of high-quality data poses a threat to national security and personal privacy. Further, the nature of international space legislation leaves the U.S. vulnerable to collect and distribute threatening data. This calls the ethics of satellite surveillance into question. Engineers, the last barrier between companies and increasingly detailed data, must step up and consider the ethics of further developing satellite capabilities.

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Girl looking at her phone at night

Smartphone Addiction on the Rise: Are Flip Phones Making a Comeback? 

Smartphone addiction has become a significant concern, leading to a growing need for a “digital detox.” Social media, streaming services, and mobile games are primary contributors to increased screen time among smartphone users. Carefully curated algorithms drive users to spend countless hours on these applications, triggering dopamine releases and potentially leading to addiction. To address this concern, more people are opting to switch to a classic flip phone as a way to reduce their screen time and break the cycle of smartphone addiction.

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Photos of over sea cloud at sunset

Spraying the Bay: A Controversy 

Geoengineers at the University of Washington may have discovered a way to lower regional temperatures through the use of artificial marine cloud brightening (MCB). The team settled down in Alemade, California to start test runs of their project in early April. However, a lack of transparency on their part may get their research shut down.

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